Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Round 1...Ready...Fight!

Excuse the extremely cliche title but I couldn't come up with anything else. This is the background post, if you're looking for the meaning of life you won't find it...trust me...I been looking. My name is JC, no it doesn't stand for anything and yes, you can laugh at the lack of creativity my parents bestowed upon me. I graduated college in May and my epic pursuit of a career has royally failed so far. But 2011 looks promising...I'm hoping. Some of the things you can expect of me are the things that I see that are awesome. I don't want to be the ultimate post everything I see/copy a bunch of sites and stuff but hey I'm new!

Quick shoutout to @simplyfreckled follow her on Twitter and read her blog. It's awesome. If you don't God will kill a kitten. You've seen that right? Okay good because I don't want you to get all offended.

Christmas and New Year's are on the horizon. I am so ready! Although nothing comes with January 1st I still get to hit restart on the life button and then become whatever person I like. I haven't been very thankful this year, in fact I have taken a lot of things for granted. THAT I can say will change in 2011, the greed is not for me, it's actually taken a huge toll on me and I hate always worrying about getting this or that. Another thing I plan on changing in 2011 is like 90% of the country my ability to get to the gym on a regular basis. I have been working out for years with no progress because my consistency sucks but hey...in 2011 I get to start fresh!

And now for the super cool part. If you're a nerd like me then you know...Thor is the shit. He's a God, not a super hero and for the idiots, not a X-men. The trailer for this movie blows my mind and the dude who I thought was too small to play the God of Thunder is now a beast. Check it out. Then go see it. Yes I will comment on it. That is all.

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