Thursday, December 23, 2010


Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, for some odd reason it doesn't feel like Christmas this year. Probably because the weather has been shit but it looks to be better these next couple days. I remember when Christmas would come and I couldn't even sleep the night before. I wouldn't try to sneak up and catch Santa or anything like that I was just so hyped to be getting new things I couldn't sleep. I don't have that feeling anymore and it's sad because I never wanted to lose my childhood self. On the bright side I get to keep my niece company, as long as she can when she always comes up to me and says "all nighter time, it's Xmas." She literally called it X mas for the longest time until I had to help her out. I guess that's what Christmas becomes about after you get older, it becomes about the other kids. I wish I had the money to donate to the foundations that help kids get presents, but I just didn't this year. Next year though I will contribute double time. I won't lie though, I made a list, a very small one. My mom told me I don't what to get you give me some hints, so I did. After though I second guessed the gifts and now I don't feel very deserving of all the stuff I know she already bought. I am thankful for my mom. She has been my mom and my pops since my pops was never around and never can be around again. She's always bailing me and my sister out of trouble and we never thank her enough for it. So for everything you've done and everything you will do, thanks mom I love you.

P.S. 2011 is probably going to be everyone's "year" but I really hope and I'm going to do everything I can to really make it MY year. Focker out.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


No one has asked yet but before they do I wanted to let everyone know where the idea for my blog title came from. It's from one of the greatest albums I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. Dom Kennedy - From the Westside with Love. The Hotels (Feat. Carter) is my favorite song on the album and I still play it to this day, even with all the other new stuff Dom and other artists I listen too have put out. Here's a link to his website where you can get all the info, all the tapes, there's new videos and content all the time. Check this shit out fool: give some of the other artists a listen too! Carter and Pac Div, all them dudes kill. The West Coast is definitely coming back in a big way with music. I'm just tryna help out the homies! Don't forget to like their pages on Facebook and follow them on Twitter - @DOPEITSDOM @LikePacDiv @IMTIRON @mibbspacdiv @STAYDOWNFOREVER

For your listening and viewing pleasure, I always like to throw a little video on here to keep people more engaged. Besides it's all about yall anyway.

This is an older track but it still goes hard. Feel good music for the summer. I thought I would post since the weather currently in Cali sucks but when the girls come out like time.

Up In The Woods

There's been one song playing in my head and in my room for like a month. It's Bon Iver's - Woods. I don't know what it is about it but it's a great song. All he does is repeat the same line over and over with different pitches using autotune and I really can't get enough of it. It may be because like in the song "I'm down on my mind" I really am at a loss for words in life because I haven't ended up where I planned to be when I was a freshman in High School. The college years shaped a lot of who I am and how I feel about things...but that can't be it that sounds like a positive. Maybe it's because I am unemployed so it's kind of like the down on my luck song. But that can't be it...since I'm the one who quit the job that's not bad luck. Maybe it's because I don't have a ride or die chick right now. But that can't be it...since I've given up on the foolish point of "dating". This guy is crazy...right?

For those of you who have no idea lemme break it down. We all like having someone around, someone to be with that isn't family and is more than a friend. Someone that makes you feel more appreciated then you could ever feel. But the entire concept of dating is an illusion if you don't see a future before you even begin. I know, I know, people say you can't just skip to marriage and that's true. AND AGAIN! I know, I know, people say love at first sight exists. I agree, I've felt it. But to say love at first sight exist is to also admit that heart break is inevitable. We as humans are trained by whoever to be let down in our lives. To experience suffering and to experience at the worst times with the worst circumstances. But more back to dating. I know people who have dated 8 or more people in a very short amount of time. Let's say 10 years. 10 years! What is this? 5 months on 5 months off!? How can you really get to know that many people in that short amount of time while still living your own life and going through your own trials. Every single relationship in the entire world that has ended has ended negatively (some positively) not only allowing you to lose the person as a simple friend, but to lose them as a whole. What I mean by lose them as a whole is now that every time you encounter that person, regardless of time passed, thoughts occur that make you feel or think what if? You may not say these things and you may internally deny them, but you can't deny that they're there. If you are denying that they're there. That their is a negative experience from my point of view. So when I say don't date if you don't see a future...I really mean it. If you can't make yourself better or make your future better, through or with that person then don't date. Just casually hang out and bone if you want or don't. But trust me, you're mentally better off if you know what you want in life and then know what you like in a person and can see continuous growth with them. If you can't see any of that...then what's the point? I don't mean to come off negative or like this is a rule or anything. Live your life, don't agree, agree, all I want is for you to be happy.

Here's a youtube video of the song. The video has nothing to do with the song I believe. I've watched it 10 million times and every time the song gets better.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I had to let yall know. Nipsey Hussle is one of the newest artists out even though he's been killin' for awhile.

This link is straight from his Twitter and will lead you straight to The Marathon Mixtape. I suggest you give it a listen if you like good music, if you don't like good music, somethin' wrong with you...

All money in, no money out!

Round 1...Ready...Fight!

Excuse the extremely cliche title but I couldn't come up with anything else. This is the background post, if you're looking for the meaning of life you won't find me...I been looking. My name is JC, no it doesn't stand for anything and yes, you can laugh at the lack of creativity my parents bestowed upon me. I graduated college in May and my epic pursuit of a career has royally failed so far. But 2011 looks promising...I'm hoping. Some of the things you can expect of me are the things that I see that are awesome. I don't want to be the ultimate post everything I see/copy a bunch of sites and stuff but hey I'm new!

Quick shoutout to @simplyfreckled follow her on Twitter and read her blog. It's awesome. If you don't God will kill a kitten. You've seen that right? Okay good because I don't want you to get all offended.

Christmas and New Year's are on the horizon. I am so ready! Although nothing comes with January 1st I still get to hit restart on the life button and then become whatever person I like. I haven't been very thankful this year, in fact I have taken a lot of things for granted. THAT I can say will change in 2011, the greed is not for me, it's actually taken a huge toll on me and I hate always worrying about getting this or that. Another thing I plan on changing in 2011 is like 90% of the country my ability to get to the gym on a regular basis. I have been working out for years with no progress because my consistency sucks but 2011 I get to start fresh!

And now for the super cool part. If you're a nerd like me then you know...Thor is the shit. He's a God, not a super hero and for the idiots, not a X-men. The trailer for this movie blows my mind and the dude who I thought was too small to play the God of Thunder is now a beast. Check it out. Then go see it. Yes I will comment on it. That is all.